Shiny new prototype PCBs arrived today from Silver Circuits, and I will assemble the first couple of Flyer prototypes over the next day or two. Results will be posted here, good or bad 🙂

Flyer (link coming when I have a proper page set up) is a peripheral for Commodore 8-bit computers providing both internet connectivity and drive emulation.

It was briefly introduced a few months back as the Pilot modem, but has since been reworked to support IEEE-488 (I got my first PET about 4 months ago), a larger display, and a more compliant hardware design for driving IEC and IEEE-488.
Flyer is not an SD card based device. There are already some great SD based drive solutions for IEC, and soon for IEEE-488 it appears. Flyer does have 4MB of flash memory on board for caching disk images however.
Specific details, documentation, etc. should be formally posted within the next 2-4 weeks (my free time is the only limiting factor currently). However, I’m happy to answer any specific questions anyone reading this may have. Just leave a comment, or use the contact form on this site and I’ll respond as soon as I can!